Friday, May 18, 2012

Are We Living in the Fullness of the Spirit?

In today's world, living on obedient life in the Spirit is challenging at best.  I often wonder if it is because time for this earth is drawing short and Satan realizes that he has little time left to steer the hearts of Christians away from God and to put stumbling blocks in front of those who are seeking, trying to keep them from knowing truth.  We tend to find our protection in worldly things:  money, possessions and relationships, but this is displeasing to God.  In His word, He reminds us that He is a jealous God.  "For thou shalt worship no other God:  for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."  Exodus 34:14 KJV  ~ He wants us for His own.  He wants a close relationship with us and He wants to bless us beyond anything we could ever imagine with His love.

Our lives are a dry, barren land with hard soil.  Nothing of any value can grow in our hearts until we have a right relationship with our Creator.  We must turn up the soil and break it down by the urging of the Holy Spirit through confession, repentance and obedience to God's will so that it may be a fertile place to grow the fruit that will not only nourish our own souls but also the souls of this lost and lonely world.  The soil sometimes can be difficult to till because of the depth of our sin.  We must put down our defenses and allow God to send the plow deep into our hearts to soften them and prepare them; to make them a fertile place so that the seeds He has planted may spring forth with the watering of the His Word.

A.W. Tozer explains it best in Living in the Spirit's Fullness.  He says:  "The plowed life is the life that has, in the act of repentance, thrown down the protecting fences and sent the plow of confession into the soul.  The urge of the Spirit, the pressure of circumstances and the distress of fruitless living have combined thoroughly to humble the heart.  Such a life has put away defense, and has forsaken the safety of death for the peril of life.  Discontent, yearning, contrition, courageous obedience to the will of God:  these have bruised and broken the soul till it is ready again for the seed.  And as always fruit follows the plow.  Life and growth begin as God 'rains down righteousness.'  Such a one can testify, 'And the hand of the Lord was upon me there.'"

May we all be open to God's will and allow Him to send the plow deeply into the soil of our hearts, churning and turning them into a fertile ground which springs forth the abundance of blessing the Lord has to offer to us and may we then share the blessing of His son, Jesus Christ, with a lost and dying world.

Blessings to you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

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